The European Forum Alpbach 2024, held from 17 to 30 August under the theme "Moment of Truth," focused on the critical elections and decisions shaping the future course of Europe.

EFA24 Module


Euregio Days

The Forum for people who want to find regional solutions to global problems.

The people of the Tyrol/South Tyrol/Trentino Euroregion gather in Alpbach. Outstanding research and innovation will be awarded and “Tyrol Day” marks a festive highlight.

Info KLEI Nbreit

Participation in the Euregio Days is free of charge, although you will need an admission ticket.

Seminars KLEIN

Alpbach Seminars

The Forum for outstanding young talents to learn, debate and engage.

Each year, EFA awards about 500 scholarships to young people. The Alpbach Seminars offer five days of inspirational and thought-provoking sessions.


Lab Days

The Forum for innovative minds to deep dive, envision and co-create on a specific topic.

Selected experts (by invitation only) work on predetermined issues and find answers to specific questions.


Europe in the World Days

The Forum for Europeans who drive ideas for a strong and democratic Europe.

Key actors of European politics, the economy, science, and culture meet in Alpbach for the season kick-off. A variety of innovative formats shapes these four days, including hikes, chats, stages, workshops, and rituals.


Austria in Europe Days

The Forum for those who shape Europe from an Austrian perspective.

To define Austria’s role in Europe and vice versa, the Austria in Europe Days mark the season opening of Austrian politics. Key actors of civil society, business, and parliament productively engage with each other and the next generation.

Theme and Tracks

The annual theme “Moment of Truth” reflects the crucial decisions that have to be made in 2024. With over 70 elections worldwide, this year is a decisive one.

In 2024, we face the moment of truth: Countries with more than half of the world's population will vote in the biggest election year in history. This has the potential to shake up international relations. Citizens of the European Union cast their votes in June and a new European Commission is expected to form in autumn. Therefore, the European Forum Alpbach has a unique opportunity to shape discussions on the EU's political priorities for the next five years.

The elections reveal growing political and social polarisation in Europe, with truth being contested by different groups within our societies. Attempts of disinformation and foreign interference will accompany many elections, undermining trust in our democratic institutions. Tensions are exacerbated by ongoing wars, cost of living crises and climate disasters. This polycrisis will put Europe's democracy and cohesion to the test. 2024 is the moment of truth, with the future of the continent at stake. If Europe does not stand united and act decisively, the threat of disintegration looms large.

Ic The Climate Opportunity


Living Within Planetary Boundaries: The ecosystem sets the ecological budget for all human activities. In order to preserve and regenerate our planet’s biospheres, we need to shift our economy from continuous growth expectations towards finding the balance between humans, technology and nature. 

Championing Climate Action Without Borders: It is essential to consider the universality of climate policies. Climate action at unprecedented scope will only happen if people across society are invited to step up, and the burden of the crisis is shared fairly. Social and global cohesion and a solution-driven and just transition are the basis for reaching global climate targets. 


Finance and Economy

Financing Innovation and the Green Transition: Our transition to net-zero carbon emissions, the promotion of innovative companies that generate employment,and demographic change cannot be financed by banks alone. The mobilisation of different sources of financing and the development of a strong and fully integrated European capital market are crucial to ensure Europe's prosperity.

Tackling Economic and Social Inequalities: To counteract the negative effects of globalisation and technological change, businesses must collaborate with policymakers and civil society. Lifelong learning and upskilling, inclusive social and labour market policies and responsible business practices lead to a more equitable future for all.  



Strengthening European Sovereignty and Security: The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine highlighted Europe’s dependence on the United States for security and defence and on Russia for energy. The EU needs to reduce those dependencies, increase its competitiveness, and assume responsibility for its security. A geopolitical EU must also be able to handle conflicts and provide for security in its neighbourhood. 

International Relations in a Multipolar World: International Relations are increasingly characterised by the rise of new powers, growing global competition and the erosion of multilateralism. At the same time, the pandemic, the climate crisis and the Russian war have shown how interconnected the world is. Europe should shape international relations in accordance with its interests and values and contribute to reinvigorating multilateralism. 

Ic The Future of Democracy and the Rule of Law in Europe

Democracy and the Rule of Law

Countering Polarisation and Strengthening Social Cohesion: Societal fragmentation is fueled by the construct of antagonistic “enemy” groups. This growing phenomenon is heightened by economic grievances, the changing social and media space, and attempts to capitalise on divisions. Understanding the causes of these dynamics helps counteract them.

Building Democratic Resilience: In 2024, the demand for representation, voter choice and accountability is big. No democracy is immune to the challenges presented by anti-democratic forces. We need to protect our institutions, the rule of law and the rights and freedoms that underpin our democracy, and deepen civic engagement.

The EFA24 schedule:

Arts & Culture

In an election campaign, the EFA24 arts and culture programme “Inhabit the Future” invites you to choose the world we want to live in.

What if we expand what we believe is possible?

The Moment of Truth is the end of an era. The Moment of Truth is a time for new beginnings. And the Moment of Truth is now.

This year’s arts and culture programme invites EFA24 participants to vote on an optimistic, long-term vision of the future, reclaiming their power of imagination and taking a first step towards a better tomorrow. Because the precondition of change is to have a vision and social imagination is a muscle that needs to be trained. Join the collective imagination process and cast your vote!

Can you imagine humankind’s best future scenario?

Over the course of the two weeks of the EFA24 event, an immersive artistic intervention comes to life in the form of an election campaign. Two utopian ideas are presented via familiar rituals and symbols: posters throughout Alpbach, a polling booth, political rallies, slogans, manifestos, discussions and performances, culminating in election night with the counting of votes and the proclamation of a winner.

“The important thing is to learn to hope.” (Ernst Bloch)

Philosopher and former Alpbach regular Ernst Bloch coined the idea of Concrete Utopia, in which he addresses the creative force of a positive story. Bloch encourages us to find a truth worth living for, opening up our minds to a future worth living in.

From its beginnings, the European Forum Alpbach has always desired to bring together the arts and sciences. Alpbach is the place where ideas for a pluralistic society come to life: through conversation as well as artistic expression in all its forms. This included “Artopia”, a free state founded by artists in 1979. This time around, we look to the future – and how we can shape it through our actions today.


By looking beyond the short-term legislative period and focusing on future generations, the "Inhabit the Future" campaign is purposefully radical in itself. Unlike most elections in this historic election year, everybody is called to vote, regardless of their nationality or residence status. EFA24 brings together about 100 nationalities to agree on their collective utopia.

During the EFA event, students of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts work with the utopian positions and present them in a performative piece.

Become part of the campaign with "Campaign for the Future" on 26 August, 2 p.m. at Schulhäusl. The election campaign will conclude during the "Inhabit the Future Election Night" on 27 August, 7.30 p.m. at CCA Loggia.

A project jointly developed by the EFA and the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK . VIENNA DESIGN WEEK curators: Gabriel Roland and Laura Winkler. This project was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Culture of Solidarity Fund powered by the European Cultural Foundation.

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The poster campaign across Alpbach village will be designed and produced by two teams as part of a project jointly developed by the EFA and the Vienna Design Week:


Team SPA - Super Progressive Alliance:

The scenography of the poll site in Alpbach (Schulhäusl) will be fashioned by architectural designers Kathrina Duller and Nikolaus Podlaha.

DIVES 2022

Concerts and Performance

Two concerts at extraordinary locations provide the EFA participants with a special experience:

HIGH HOPES still 01

Short Films

An international short film selected by VIENNA SHORTS will be presented prior to each of the four main stage debates at the EFA24 event, providing a thought-provoking impulse. The artistic contributions will kick off the conversations and present a new approach to the topics under discussion!

  • Afterlives (Michael Heindl, AT 2022) will be shown at "Financing the Green Transition", 26 August, 5 p.m. at Herz-Kremenak-Saal (Congress Centrum Alpbach): Making the invisible visible through everyday dadaistic acts, Afterlives highlights the fate of consumer items: energy-intensive in production and soon discarded.
  • Power (Dana Sink, US 2017) will be shown at "Better Safe than Sorry", 26 August, 5 p.m. at Herz-Kremenak-Saal (Congress Centrum Alpbach): The whole is greater than the sum of its parts - machines and chain reactions come together in a surprising way to create a complex formation.
  • Wind (Robert Loebel, DE 2012) will be shown at "Countering Far-right Narratives", 28 August, 5 p.m. at Herz-Kremenak-Saal (Congress Centrum Alpbach): In a world of wind, humans have adapted perfectly to life under adverse conditions. But not everything is as it seems in this lovingly animated parable.
  • High Hopes (Amir Mrzae, FR 2023) will be shown at ''Europe vs the Polycrisis'', 29 August, 5 p.m. at Herz-Kremenak-Saal (Congress Centrum Alpbach): High Hopes tells a tale of returning to our initial understanding of existence - a speck of light ascends back to the very place from which it once fell.
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Interactive Sessions

Elections are for participation!

During the Europe in the World Days, an utopian election will take place: Join a series of artistic workshops to scheme, dream and form new alliances.

Manifest a new world during the Austria in Europe Days: