EFA22 is only a few weeks away! See our speaker selection which will be continuously extended until the event. We very much look foward to welcoming all of you in Alpbach soon.
7 Jul, 2022
Speaker EFA22
Conference Week I
Ámon, Ada: Chief Advisor to the Mayor on Climate Affairs; City of Budapest
Andersson, Bertil: Professor of Biochemistry
Androsch, Hannes: Industrialist
Bajnai, Gordon: Partner; Campbell Lutyens
Barinova, Yana: Project Manager for European Policies and Ukrainian Relations; ERSTE Foundation
Meryn, Siegfried: Specialist for Internal Medicine, Additive Specialist for Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy; Ordination Univ. Prof. Dr. Meryn
Milborn, Corinna: Political Scientist and Journalist
Ertl, Cornelia: Moderator & Communications Specialist; Vienna
Fallast, Mario: Project Leader TU Austria Innovation Marathon; Graz University of Technology
Felbermayr, Gabriel: President; Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Frauenberger,Christopher: Professor for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg
Gattringer, Christof: President; Austrian Science Fund
Gerstenmayer, Andreas: Chairman of the Management Board; AT&S Austria Technologie und Systemtechnik AG
Gewessler, Leonore: Federal Minister; Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation
Glaser, Lena Marie: Founder; Basically Innovative
Godfray, Charles: Director; Oxford Martin School Oxford University
Goodhart, David: Journalist and Author
Gross, Gerald: Founder and Director; gross:medie e.U.
Hauser, Hermann: Co-founder and Venture Partner; Amadeus Capital Partners
Herderich, Alina: PhD Candidate; TU Graz
Herlitschka, Sabine: CEO; Infineon Technologies Austria AG
Hochreiter, Sepp: Head of the Institute for Machine Learning; Johannes Kepler University Linz
Hornstein-Tomić, Caroline Elisabeth: Senior Researcher; Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar
Huber, Christoph: Former Chairman, Department Hematology-Oncology; Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz Co-Founder; Scientific Advisor and Member of the Board; Biontech SE
Ilic, Alexander: Executive Director and Co-Founder; ETH AI Center
Immitzer, Vera: Managing Director; Bundesverband Photovoltaic Austria
Jilch, Niko: Financial Journalist, Speaker and Moderator
Jungmeier, Gerfried: Key Researcher on Life Cycle Assessment; Joanneum Research, Institute for Climate, Energy & Society