
Participate in interactive, outcome-oriented sessions and deep-dive into specific topics.

Works on the Schedule 2022

Montag, 26. August

Arbeit im Zeitalter von KI und Automatisierung neu denken
English 180
Digital technologies have fundamentally changed the way businesses operate and people interact. While many jobs will be lost along the way, many more will be created and almost all will be transformed. What will the future of work look like? Discuss how policy makers, companies and societies can ensure that workers acquire the skills needed to succeed in an ever-changing labour market. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Arbeit im Zeitalter von KI und Automatisierung neu denken
Inszenierte Begegnung
New, unusual encounters are made possible through surprising methods and dynamic interactions in changing locations. You’ll dare to ask questions, give compliments and cause conditions to dance. The open exchange with each other, which is used as a key tool for practising democracy, encourages sustainable connections.  
Schulhäusl , Schulhäusl
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09:00 - 12:00 Inszenierte Begegnung
Gegen den Backlash: Wie Klimaschutzmaßnahmen aufrechterhalten werden
English 180
There will either be a just transition or no transition at all – This is a statement that is often heard. Particularly in times of (anticipated) backsliding on climate action, it is crucial that a) the transition is designed by taking everyone’s needs and interests into account, and b) polarising voices do not dominate the discourse. In this workshop you will explore arguments and policies that really work in addressing the trilemma of social justice, democratic participation and climate action holistically and that support society in unearthing aspiration from grievances. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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09:00 - 12:00 Gegen den Backlash: Wie Klimaschutzmaßnahmen aufrechterhalten werden

Mittwoch, 28. August


Donnerstag, 29. August

Wohlstand und Leistung als Grundlage für gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt
We are facing major upheavals and challenges that cannot be solved without confidence, a commitment to work and a growth mindset. Nevertheless, debates about reducing working hours and degrowth are becoming ever more prevalent without considering the impact on our social systems and the resilience of our societies. However, don’t we need innovation, personal responsibility and achievement to secure prosperity and thus strengthen social cohesion and trust in democracy, now more than ever? 
Hotel Alphof , Alphof - Speisesaal
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09:00 - 12:00 Wohlstand und Leistung als Grundlage für gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt
Turn Green: Bestandsimmobilien in einer nachhaltigen Zukunft
Transforming existing buildings sustainably without forgetting the social aspects is a huge task. We dive into analysis methods, strategies for sustainable management, retrofitting options and much more, to find solutions that can be implemented in reality.
Hotel Post , Hotel Post - Seminarraum
09:00 - 12:00 Turn Green: Bestandsimmobilien in einer nachhaltigen Zukunft
Die Kunst der Grand Strategy
English 180
Grand Strategy determines how states apply their political, diplomatic, military and economic tools to advance their national interests. After an introduction to the concept, you will work in groups on various aspects of a future EU Grand Strategy. You will discuss how the EU can stabilize Europe, secure its southern flank and keep the world together. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
09:00 - 12:00 Die Kunst der Grand Strategy
Alpbach IDEAS Camp
English 180
Become part of Alpbach IDEAS, a one-year journey that bridges the gap between theory and practice and creates a space for experiments and continuous learning. Aspiring changemakers, innovators, and problem solvers are invited to participate in three dynamic workshops called IDEAS Camps. Active participation in all workshops is highly recommended for those interested in joining the Alpbach IDEAS programme in 2024/2025. - facilitated by Pioneers
Volksschule , Volksschule Erdgeschoß 3
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09:00 - 12:00 Alpbach IDEAS Camp