
Be ready for dynamic interaction between speakers and the audience to learn from each other’s expertise and experience. Fruitful discussions and conversations between world-class speakers and fellow participants to shed light on complex challenges.

Chats on the Schedule 2023

Sunday, 25. August

Starting times
Space and Sustainability – Exploring Best Practices, Technology and Policy Solutions
The space economy and its applications can improve the daily lives of people worldwide through their contributions to, among other things, connectivity, environmental monitoring, satellite navigation, mobility, weather forecasting and many more. The wish and need to increase access to these applications and services and their benefits also brings the need to protect the outer space environment. In a constructive discussion, the panelists will cover use cases and best practices of space and its applications, the various regulatory frameworks and policy developments as well as the ways to preserve the use of space for future generations.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 Space and Sustainability – Exploring Best Practices, Technology and Policy Solutions
Is Economic Inequality Inevitable?
English 90
Since the 1980s, wealth and income inequality has started to rise again in many countries. While some, such as the US, have seen a significant increase in inequality, others, such as Sweden, have maintained relatively stable levels. Explore the reasons for these divergent trends: What are the roots of inequality and which policies can make a real difference? //INFO: This session will be translated by Wordly. If you would like to listen to the translation, please bring headphones suitable for your device.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 Is Economic Inequality Inevitable?
The Geopolitics of Enlargement: A Way to Safeguard the European Space
English 90
The EU Enlargement is increasingly seen as an effective foreign policy tool to diminish the influence of external powers in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans. Reframing European integration as a strategy to provide security for the neighbourhoods, as well as make EU Member States safer, will certainly strengthen the EU’s standing as a geopolitical actor - for example through a sustainable peace settlement for Ukraine and sound security arrangements for Moldova.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 The Geopolitics of Enlargement: A Way to Safeguard the European Space
Youth’s perspective in security: ts role in combating cyber-threats in an increasing
Join the Fireside Chat and discuss together with the President of the Republic of Kosovo.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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10:45 - 11:45 Youth’s perspective in security: ts role in combating cyber-threats in an increasing
Reinventing Economics: How to make it more useful?
The economic growth model that developed after the 1990s has been distorted by shocks such as the global financial crisis of 2008, the COVID-19 pandemic, rising climate change, and the war in Ukraine. Economics as a discipline may need to look for a renewal. Inspired by the International Monetary Fund’s “Finance & Development March 2024’” issue, this session will explore how to make economics more useful for tackling the big issues of our time. //INFO: This session will be translated by Wordly. If you would like to listen to the translation, please bring headphones suitable for your device.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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11:00 - 12:00 Reinventing Economics: How to make it more useful?
Engaging the Private Sector for the Social Good
English 90
Businesses are pivotal to Europe’s social contract, driving growth and innovation while impacting societal well-being. Despite public mistrust of their profit-led motives, their capacity for rapid, scalable innovation is undeniable. Explore how governments and the EU can harness this potential for the social good, rethinking interactions between the private sector, public institutions, and citizens to forge a new relationship.
Ort Alpbach , Feuerwehrhaus
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14:00 - 15:30 Engaging the Private Sector for the Social Good
New African-European Ambition: Ways Forward in Energy, Climate and Tech
Africa and Europe have the unique opportunity to work together in the context of emerging tools and technologies and to co-create climate and energy policy solutions. Those have to be just and effective for both sides on the path towards climate neutrality. Leading policy makers, activists and experts discuss the ambitions, potentials and hurdles the African-European partnership is facing. 
Hotel Post , Hotel Post - Seminarraum
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14:00 - 15:30 New African-European Ambition: Ways Forward in Energy, Climate and Tech
Making Pension Systems Fit for the Future
English 90
Global demographic changes, such as declining birth rates and increasing life expectancy, are challenging the sustainability of many European pension systems. Explore how successful pension models can provide valuable lessons. It is critical to act now and implement policies that ensure a secure future for all, preventing old-age poverty for future generations.   
Volksschule , Volksschule Obergeschoß 2
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14:00 - 15:30 Making Pension Systems Fit for the Future
Archipelago of Possible Futures: Defining European Missions through Art, Science and Technology
This panel will dive into the transformative journey of the New European Bauhaus, “an interdisciplinary project that creates experimental spaces where art, culture, science, and technology can mingle, imagine, test, and demonstrate new solutions” launched in 2020 by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. Pioneering strategies and new instruments catalyse large-scale, multidisciplinary experimentation, and support innovation in Europe. Join the debate about the need for a new ambitious and impactful vision for the coming decade of the integration of the Arts into the EU’s Innovation policy. //INFO: This session will be translated by Wordly. If you would like to listen to the translation, please bring headphones suitable for your device. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 Archipelago of Possible Futures: Defining European Missions through Art, Science and Technology
The Future of Multilateralism
English 90
Extreme poverty and hunger are increasing, violent conflicts are multiplying and global emissions are at their highest levels ever. Yet, the United Nations have been in paralysis and unable to present feasible solutions to pressing global problems. In September, the UN will convene a “Summit of the Future” to reinvigorate multilateralism. How should the system be adapted to better meet current challenges? Hear perspectives from different countries, and share your ideas for the future of multilateralism.  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 The Future of Multilateralism
“Hip Hope” – Reimagining the Future in the Balkans
The Western Balkans find themselves mired in a stagnant status quo, trapped in traditional diplomatic discourse without clear strategies to forge a path forward. To navigate a dynamic course ahead, they need fresh perspectives that can illuminate new opportunities for regional advancement. These perspectives are already withing our grasp, waiting to be discovered and embraced. United and mobilised, they embody a powerful force capable of reviving hope and ushering in a new era of prosperity in the Balkans. //INFO: This session will be translated by Wordly. If you would like to listen to the translation, please bring headphones suitable for your device. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 “Hip Hope” – Reimagining the Future in the Balkans
A Better World Is Possible: Past, Present and Future of Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights defines a common basis for the rights of all people and nations. Rapid technological advancements as well as increased calls to give non-human entities such as rivers legal rights could potentially change the conversation about who deserves which rights. This session will explore how our concept of human rights might evolve over the next few years. 
Schulhäusl , Schulhäusl
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14:00 - 15:30 A Better World Is Possible: Past, Present and Future of Human Rights
Harnessing AI in the Service of Democracy
English 90
 As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, there is growing interest in leveraging its capabilities to enhance democratic processes and governance. We aim to nurture a nuanced understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with harnessing AI in the service of democracy and of its potential for improving democratic engagement. Join the dialogue on best practices, ethical considerations and policy implications. //INFO: Because of bad weather the session will take place on the first floor (OG1) of the elementary school of Alpbach.  
Volksschule , Volksschule Obergeschoß 1
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14:00 - 15:30 Harnessing AI in the Service of Democracy
The End of the World as We Know It: Big Oil’s Final Countdown
English 90
If the global community is to be true to its commitments, carbon emissions need to be reduced by at least 45 % globally and by at least 55 % EU-wide by 2030. Fossil fuel use and production need to be scaled down, yet the industry remains heavily subsidised. It is time to explore the most effective ways of bringing movement into the stuck system of ‘big oil’ power. What can (shareholder) activism, (financial) regulation, investment stewardship, or other actors achieve?  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 The End of the World as We Know It: Big Oil’s Final Countdown
CANCELLED // Book Talk: Janka Oertel
English 45
Join Janka Oertel for a book talk of "The End of the China Illusion" at the Loggia. //INFO: In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place in the Liechtenstein-Hayek-Hall. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Loggia
15:45 - 16:30 CANCELLED // Book Talk: Janka Oertel
Finding Common Ground in a Polarised World
English 60
Against the backdrop of growing polarisation, the complexity of national identities, diverse cultures and opposing ideologies, ways must be found for meaningful dialogue and common ground. How can we bridge divides in politics and society? Can shared values or goals serve as a foundation? //INFO: This session will be translated by Wordly. If you would like to listen to the translation, please bring headphones suitable for your device. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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17:00 - 18:00 Finding Common Ground in a Polarised World

Monday, 26. August

Starting times
EU Enlargement: A New Chapter or Old Wine in New Bottles?
English 90
The war in Ukraine has brought a new sense of urgency to the EU enlargement process. The European Council opened accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. Now comes the hard part, as the candidate countries in the Western Balkans know only too well. We will discuss what Ukraine and Moldova can learn from their experiences and what impact the new momentum driven by Ukraine has on the enlargement process in the Western Balkans and in general.  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 EU Enlargement: A New Chapter or Old Wine in New Bottles?
Let's Call a Spade a Spade: What the EU Needs to Do to Get Things Right.
Which role does Europe play globally? What does the continent's future potential consist of? Do the EU's values (still) have a role in the age of BigTech and AI? How do we address the megatrends that shape our times: demographics, climate change, inequality, and globalization? This panel offers diverse range of views, but with one common denominator: the belief that Europe's best days are yet to come! //INFO: This session will be translated by Wordly. If you would like to listen to the translation, please bring headphones suitable for your device.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 Let's Call a Spade a Spade: What the EU Needs to Do to Get Things Right.
Dialogue on International Security: UN Security Council Reform & the Rule of Law
Against the backdrop of a growing sense of urgency in the efforts to reform the Security Council and in view of the UN Summit of the Future, this open, informal discussion will focus on the possible outcomes for Security Council Reform at the Summit of the Future and the way ahead, in particular regarding the effects on the international order. Amid growing calls for UN Security Council reform, this seminar will facilitate an open, informal, and out-of-the-box discussion on recent initiatives aimed at limiting the use of the veto and enhancing the General Assembly’s role in addressing threats to peace and security. The panel will examine potential mechanisms to overcome the Security Council’s deadlock, particularly in cases of mass atrocities, the need to fully implement Article 27(3) of the UN Charter, and using the General Assembly to its fullest to respond to global crises. Discussions will also explore the implications of automatic consequences for Charter violations. 
Hotel Böglerhof , Böglerhof - Fichtensaal
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10:00 - 11:30 Dialogue on International Security: UN Security Council Reform & the Rule of Law
The Three Seas Initiative: An empty promise?
Deemed as a bridge-builder for the region, the Three Seas Initiative has also been dubbed as potential disruptor. Its initial design was about connectivity, the final step of the EU integration of that region. However, under the Trump presidency it was increasingly projected as an instrument challenging Franco-German perspective in the EU. With US elections coming, would it move beyond an abstract regional concept?
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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11:00 - 12:00 The Three Seas Initiative: An empty promise?
Diaspora Speaks Up: Why the EU Should Join Bosnia and Herzegovina, Not Vice Versa
The EU faces a pivotal moment, driven by geopolitical shifts to focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), a historic crossroads. Despite challenges in corruption, rule of law, and democracy, B&H offers vital lessons. Integration can bolster democratic values and reforms within the EU. The diaspora, straddling dual identities, serves as a bridge, fostering a new era of collaboration and friendship between the EU and B&H. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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11:00 - 12:00 Diaspora Speaks Up: Why the EU Should Join Bosnia and Herzegovina, Not Vice Versa
Unpacking the Role of Packaging & Circularity Towards a Climate Neutral Europe
Consumers encounter packaging every day. Packaging plays a major role in preserving the valuable content inside but also for the ecological perception by consumers. A transformation towards more circularity and less environmental impact is necessary. The discussion will explore how packaging design has already changed and will have to change over the next half decade to achieve greenhouse gas reduction goals, especially in the context of policy regulation. 
Hotel Böglerhof , Böglerhof - Fichtensaal
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14:00 - 15:30 Unpacking the Role of Packaging & Circularity Towards a Climate Neutral Europe
US vs. EU Green Tech Race: How to Work Together?
English 90
The US and the EU are both pushing their green industries, but they are taking different approaches. The recent US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) sent a clear message that green technology is a profitable industry. This has raised concerns in Europe that companies will choose to invest in the US rather than in Europe. What can Europe learn from the US to unlock private investment in clean technologies and which opportunities for cooperation exist? 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 US vs. EU Green Tech Race: How to Work Together?
The Geopolitics of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
English 90
Central Banks around the globe are developing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). This could challenge the current dollar-based system. A single CBDC may have an enormous standard-setting effect. If the digital euro becomes the standard-setter on its promise of privacy, Europe could regain ownership of its financial infrastructure, increase competitiveness and change geopolitical positions. //INFO: This session will be translated by Wordly. If you would like to listen to the translation, please bring headphones suitable for your device.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 The Geopolitics of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
Imagining Green, Sustainable and Regenerative Cities
The session will visualise greener urban landscapes, focusing on transforming urban spaces globally to ensure a sustainable and livable future. The discussion delves into the practical realisation of these concepts, aiming to create environmentally sustainable urban environments that are well-prepared for the challenges of tomorrow. //INFO: This session will be translated by Wordly. If you would like to listen to the translation, please bring headphones suitable for your device. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 Imagining Green, Sustainable and Regenerative Cities
State-Sponsored Disinformation and the Dangers to Electoral Integrity
English 90
In this historic election year, we are confronted with the multifaceted challenges posed by state-sponsored disinformation more than ever before. This includes voter manipulation and defamation campaigns. Explore the learnings we can draw from these attacks on electoral integrity and identify strategies to best protect the democratic electoral process of the future. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 State-Sponsored Disinformation and the Dangers to Electoral Integrity
Finding a New Balance in Times of Crises: Trade and Climate Relations between Europe and Africa
English 90
The EU has made commitments to support Africa in its climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. At the same time, the EU’s climate diplomacy actions could contribute to a potential slowing down of African economic growth. How can the two continents shape a relationship that advances decarbonisation without creating trade barriers, that is, a relationship that is reciprocal and fit for the challenges of the 21st century? 
Volksschule , Volksschule Obergeschoß 1
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14:00 - 15:30 Finding a New Balance in Times of Crises: Trade and Climate Relations between Europe and Africa
Book Talk: Werner Stengg
Join Werner Stengg, Member of Cabinet of the Commission’s Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, for a book talk on his new book "Digital Policy in the EU: Towards a Human-centred Digital Transformation" in the Loggia on top of the CCA. //INFO: In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place in the Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Loggia
15:45 - 16:30 Book Talk: Werner Stengg
Joining Forces for 1.5 Degrees
English 60
The more the global community delays its climate actions, the more drastic they will have to be. At the same time, disasters and looming crises unite individuals and organisations to achieve the previously unthinkable. What are moonshot moments of transformation that will bring global climate goals on track in the imminent future? How can we redesign our social and economic systems to prioritise sustainability, regeneration, and resilience in face of the risk of missing the 1.5-degree target? //INFO: This session will be translated by Wordly. If you would like to listen to the translation, please bring headphones suitable for your device. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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17:00 - 18:00 Joining Forces for 1.5 Degrees

Tuesday, 27. August

Starting times
(Re-)Creating Affordable Housing in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
While affordable housing models thrive in Austria, they have almost ceased to exist in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), where the vast majority of the population lives in their own dwelling. Following a recent surge in real estate prices, flats in the region’s major cities have become the most expensive in the European Union, posing a real challenge, especially for the younger generation. We’ll delve into the strategies to leverage Austria’s experience in creating new ways towards affordable housing in CEE. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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10:00 - 11:30 (Re-)Creating Affordable Housing in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
Alpbach Talks
Talking brings people together. The pursuit of a “moment of truth” demands lively discussions, contrasting views, and an exchange of ideas. Bold perspectives are encouraged! By answering five questions, you are matched with a thought-provoking discussion partner and engage in a spirited one-to-one discussion aimed at providing both participants with new insights. Who knows, maybe you’ll even discover that you and your discussion partner have more in common than you’d initially thought? At the very least, you’ll leave with new perspectives. //INFO: Please arrive on time to avoid missing the “matching” of participants, as this only occurs once. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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10:30 - 12:00 Alpbach Talks

Wednesday, 28. August

Starting times
Live Podcast: Does Islamism hinder the Integration of Immigrants?
Deep, mobile, and personal: With podcasts, news and information reach different target audiences in different ways. What is important in this genre? Three hosts – Anna Wallner (Die Presse), Andreas Sator (Erklär mir die Welt), and Karin Pollack (Der Pragmaticus) – talk about their approaches and experiences and interview Islamism expert Lisa Fellhofer in a joint live podcast.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 Live Podcast: Does Islamism hinder the Integration of Immigrants?
Aging Europe: Ensuring Prosperity, Advancing Innovation
German 90
The demographic shift affects all of Europe. As the population ages rapidly, the number of people in the working-age group decreases. The challenge lies in maintaining prosperity, financing social systems, and promoting innovation. Representatives from politics, business, and academia discuss solutions and explore how migration can be beneficial for both sides. 
Hotel Böglerhof , Böglerhof - Fichtensaal
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09:00 - 10:30 Aging Europe: Ensuring Prosperity, Advancing Innovation
Europe, Believe in Yourself! Ideas to Advance Society
German 90
We have the European Parliament elections behind us and Austria’s national elections ahead. Now’s the time for a realistic analysis of the status quo. If we want to ensure our continued prosperity, we need a competitive business environment within a strong Europe. Prioritizing industrial policies and fostering a robust capital market must no longer be seen as alien concepts. What concrete ideas can move us forward as a society?
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 Europe, Believe in Yourself! Ideas to Advance Society
Back on Track: Democratic Backsliding and the Challenge of Re-Democratisation
English 90
With democratic norms in a worldwide decline, the consequences of this erosion have to be recognised and democratic success stories, such as the case of Poland, have to be appreciated and learnings adopted. We build an understanding of the signs and steps of democratic backsliding, and examine the challenge of re-democratisation, most notably restoring checks and balances and media freedom.   
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 Back on Track: Democratic Backsliding and the Challenge of Re-Democratisation
What will the EU get from the accession of Ukraine?
What will the EU get from the accession of Ukraine? Discuss the benefits  from Ukraine’s accession despite the cost incurred. Current estimates suggest that Ukraine’s membership will be bearable for the EU budget, even given the war uncertainty. Ukraine will enhance the EU in the fields of military, energy, agriculture, pharmacy, and IT. 
Hotel Post , Hotel Post - Seminarraum
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10:00 - 11:30 What will the EU get from the accession of Ukraine?
Book Talk: André Hoffmann
Join André Hoffmann for a book talk of "The New Nature of Business: The Path to Prosperity and Sustainability" in conversation with Kami Krista in the Loggia on top of the CCA.//INFO: In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place in the Schulhäusl.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Loggia
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11:00 - 12:00 Book Talk: André Hoffmann
Co-Governance: From Transparency to Trust
We live in a society where every voice matters, and governance is a joint effort. We aim to make this vision a reality. This session will present the stories of successful co-governance models and innovative tools that promote transparency, accountability, and inclusivity. Experts will explore strategies, challenges, and the impact of digital tools, guiding us towards a solid, adaptable, and inclusive democracy. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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11:00 - 12:00 Co-Governance: From Transparency to Trust
Climate Induced Migration: Elephant in Europe’s Room
Migration is often treated like the elephant in the room when discussing climate change. Europe will receive more and more migrants fleeing due to extreme weather conditions from regions such as the Middle East. Is Europe ready to deal with a surge in climate migrants? And what role should countries in the Middle East play? 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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11:00 - 12:00 Climate Induced Migration: Elephant in Europe’s Room
Digital Bridges: Reaching the Marginalized
Marginalisation is multidimensional. It includes poverty but also entails a lack of capacity to participate in vital parts of social, economic and cultural life. To reconnect and include this group of people, as society we must innovate our approaches to communication and information, as well as redesign social services. How can we centre our efforts around the needs of marginalised groups? Can digitalisation bridge these divides and foster true inclusion?
Ort Alpbach , Feuerwehrhaus
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14:00 - 15:30 Digital Bridges: Reaching the Marginalized
Green Transformation: Role of Businesses and Banks in Austria and CEE
The green transformation requires joint efforts of banks, businesses and the public sector to redesign our economy. Central aspects include identifying prerequisites, determining actions from stakeholders and understanding financing and the associated costs. The discussion will revolve around the role of businesses in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in and around the circular economy.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 Green Transformation: Role of Businesses and Banks in Austria and CEE
Stories Of Transformation – How We Cope With Fundamental Change
Artificial intelligence, climate change: Fundamental changes are forcing us to learn and to adapt – at work, in business and in shaping our society. The experiences of our speakers and guests help us to better understand: How do they deal with fundamental change? Which transformations push them to their limits? Which ones do they see as opportunities? 
Hotel Post , Hotel Post - Seminarraum
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14:00 - 15:30 Stories Of Transformation – How We Cope With Fundamental Change
Demographic Change and Affordable Pensions: Challenges and Prospects
German 90
The birth rate is falling, the proportion of older people is rising: Europe and Austria are facing enormous demographic change. These developments are accompanied by new trends and ever-increasing employee mobility. Against this backdrop, the following questions arise: Are European pension systems fit for the future? Are they able to maintain their promise of benefits? Are the social systems keeping pace here? This is a discussion on necessary measures and how politicians can drive forward bold changes despite concerns about votes.  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 Demographic Change and Affordable Pensions: Challenges and Prospects
How Trust runs the World
Trust in business, politics and media is the basis for our coexistence in a society. Trust is necessary to maintain international relations, to strengthen democracy and to enable companies to operate successfully. In times of loss of trust, the following question arises: How can trust be (re)established?  
Hotel Böglerhof , Böglerhof - Fichtensaal
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14:00 - 15:30 How Trust runs the World
Regenerative Agriculture: Debunking an Imaginary Conflict
English 90
Productivity and sustainability are often played off against each other, and so are the interests of the agricultural production system and the natural ecosystem. Hear from actors from the agri-food value chain who have come together across their individual industry silos to transform the system towards a regenerative agriculture. Find out which systemic shifts generate a shared vision among initially unlikely allies.INFO: Join us for an optional hike after the session to exchange ideas on how you can transfer learnings from the session to your own field of action.  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 Regenerative Agriculture: Debunking an Imaginary Conflict
Let Others Wage War For You, Thou, Happy Austria, Stay Neutral?
English 90
According to a poll, 72 % of Austrians expect other EU members to defend them in case of a military attack, but only 14 % say that Austria should support other EU members with armed troops. This attitude is also reflected in statements from government officials and could lead to Austria’s isolation. Time for an honest discussion about the tension between neutrality and solidarity and the consequences for Austrian security policy. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 Let Others Wage War For You, Thou, Happy Austria, Stay Neutral?
Book Talk: Michael Breisky
Join Michael Breisky for a book talk of "Europa verstehen und lieben lernen" in the Liechtenstein-Hall.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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16:00 - 16:45 Book Talk: Michael Breisky
European Defence: Investing More, Better and European
English 60
In the ongoing war of attrition, Ukraine’s ability to defend itself against Russia’s attacks depends on Western military assistance. However, US support is stalling and could be further reduced after the elections. This gap has to be filled by European countries which also have to replenish their own arsenals. How can Europe make better use of the potential of its defence industry and deliver what is needed?  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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17:00 - 18:00 European Defence: Investing More, Better and European

Thursday, 29. August

Starting times
Tomorrow Today: Imagining a Liveable Future
English 90
Imagine what a transformed future will look and feel like – and you have already taken the first step towards it. After a short introduction on the usefulness of applied imagination, in this session participants will explore and co-create narrations of a future where humanity will have successfully achieved the transformation. Share your thoughts on a climate-positive future and the path towards it. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 Tomorrow Today: Imagining a Liveable Future
Media Moments of Truth
German 90
We are facing the “Moment of Truth”, not only at the European Forum Alpbach 2024, but also in our society as we know it. Current debates on the relationship between data, innovation and AI focus on the ethical, social and economic consequences that technologies impose on societies. How can the media use new tools to find, communicate and protect the “best obtainable version of the truth”? At the same time, these tools offer multiple opportunities for the media to create more efficient and relevant offerings for different audiences. With democracy under pressure, traditional legacy and public service media have a particularly important and responsible role to play. Being a critical media infrastructure, they must ensure that societies can continue to rely on a modicum of trustworthy and transparent information in order to function properly. Join the discussion on how public media can fulfil its role in a digital and AI-driven world.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 Media Moments of Truth
For Scholarship Holders: Fireside Chat with Physics Nobel Laureate Anton Zeilinger
English 60
Inviting all scholarship holders to join Physics Nobel Laureate Prof. Anton Zeilinger for this EFA-hosted fireside chat. To kick off the conversation, Prof. Zeilinger will give a brief input related to the question of how quantum physics changes our view of the world. Following that he looks forward to scholarship holders' questions around his life as a scientist, his scientific achievements and, of course, quantum physics.//INFO: We kindly ask for your understanding that this fireside chat is for scholarship holders only.The session takes place under Chatham House rules.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
10:00 - 11:00 For Scholarship Holders: Fireside Chat with Physics Nobel Laureate Anton Zeilinger
War-Born Resilience for European Businesses and Critical Infrastructures
While the Russian Federation focuses its economy on weaponization, Europe, after 30 years of peaceful prosperity, finds itself unready for defence. Meanwhile, businesses in Ukraine as well as all the economy had to adapt to the new reality of constant threats, blackouts, cyber-attacks and lack of resources. What can EU member states and companies learn from Ukraine to enhance their resilience? 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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11:00 - 12:00 War-Born Resilience for European Businesses and Critical Infrastructures
Truth and Knowledge in Crisis: Anything Goes?
Paul Feyerabend, one of the most influential philosophers of our time, started his career at the European Forum Alpbach. Back in the middle of last century, Alpbach was the intellectual centre of Austria where philosophers and scientists who fled the Nazis came together to discuss the future.His ideas on science, truth and relativism are more relevant than ever. There is a crisis of truth and knowledge. Have we lost the ability to distinguish between truth and lie, fact and fiction, reality and illusion, and between what is and what is not? Is there such a thing as the objective truth? 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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11:15 - 12:00 Truth and Knowledge in Crisis: Anything Goes?
The Incoming European Commission's Agenda on Delivering the Green Transition
English 90
As Europe moves towards climate neutrality by 2050, the European Commission needs to support EU Member States in implementing reforms that support the green transition and contribute to the achievement of the Green Deal. What are the key priorities and potential stumbling blocks for the new Commission? Find out how citizens, businesses and stakeholders can contribute to the success of the green transition.  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 The Incoming European Commission's Agenda on Delivering the Green Transition
How to Govern AI in Austria
Securing prosperity, seizing opportunities, shaping the future – What is the Austrian strategy for a regulatory framework and successful implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in business, society and administration?
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 How to Govern AI in Austria
Confronting Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Europe
English 90
In recent years, Europe has witnessed a concerning resurgence of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, threatening the fabric of pluralistic societies and undermining the principles of tolerance and peaceful coexistence. The origins, proliferation and impact on society at large and on communities across the continent are explored, seeking effective methods to confront these forms of stereotyping, prejudices and hatred. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 Confronting Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Europe
Quantum Computing: The Next Superpower?
English 60
Quantum computing promises to disrupt industries and unleash breakthroughs at an unprecedented speed. It is believed to tackle problems beyond imagination – from secure communications to new levels of computing that could bring us life-saving drugs in record time, improved AI performance, and optimised financial markets. But with great power comes great responsibility. Will quantum computing be the key to solving humanity’s greatest challenges, and what could be the unforeseen consequences?  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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17:00 - 18:00 Quantum Computing: The Next Superpower?