
Explore ideas on the go. Walk, listen and debate in an inspirational surrounding.

Hikes on the Schedule 2022

Sonntag, 25. August

Riskantes Geschäft: Europas wirtschaftliche (Un-)Sicherheit
English 180
The pandemic and the war in Ukraine have shown Europe’s dependencies in critical areas. Since then, there has been a lot of talk about “de-risking”: mitigating risks and limiting strategic dependencies. However, it’s still not clear what this would mean for Europe. How much de-risking is necessary to safeguard Europe’s economic security and when does de-risking itself become a risk to the economy?  //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Riskantes Geschäft: Europas wirtschaftliche (Un-)Sicherheit
Reden wir miteinander: Impulse in einer sprachlosen Welt
English 180
In a world of rapid change, fragmentation and polarisation mark society and politics. Although contemporary challenges require close international cooperation, the willingness and ability to engage in dialogue are dwindling. Democracy is under pressure, alternatives are appearing and Europe has to explain itself. How can defence policy support a stable space for discussions? 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Terrasse
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09:00 - 12:00 Reden wir miteinander: Impulse in einer sprachlosen Welt
Keine Natur, kein Geschäft
English 180
All human economic activities rely on natural resources and ecosystems. Yet, the state of nature and biodiversity is critical all around the globe. Hear different concepts and strategies about how businesses can integrate nature and biodiversity goals into corporate strategies. It is explored how to achieve long-term prosperity and economic resilience, by becoming not only climate-neutral but climate-positive. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and sufficient water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Keine Natur, kein Geschäft

Montag, 26. August

Energie über Grenzen hinweg: Industriepartnerschaften für eine nachhaltige Zukunft
Envision a future where sustainable energy powers Europe’s industry. Explore how partnerships between industry, green energy producers, and public stakeholders are tackling climate challenges and enhance economies along with innovations such as cross-border Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). Join us to shape Europe’s energy future and drive collective action towards a greener future. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Terrasse
09:00 - 12:00 Energie über Grenzen hinweg: Industriepartnerschaften für eine nachhaltige Zukunft
Arbeit im Zeitalter von KI und Automatisierung neu denken
English 180
Digital technologies have fundamentally changed the way businesses operate and people interact. While many jobs will be lost along the way, many more will be created and almost all will be transformed. What will the future of work look like? Discuss how policy makers, companies and societies can ensure that workers acquire the skills needed to succeed in an ever-changing labour market. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Arbeit im Zeitalter von KI und Automatisierung neu denken
Die Jugend als Katalysatoren des Wandels
English 180
Young people are increasingly powerful agents of change, driving innovative solutions and advocating for progressive policies on a global scale. We aim to illuminate the pivotal role of youth in shaping policies worldwide, exploring their diverse contributions – such as involving first-time voters or training other young change-makers – and charting pathways for meaningful youth engagement in decision-making processes.//INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Die Jugend als Katalysatoren des Wandels
Krieg in der Ukraine: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Szenarien für die Zukunft
English 150
Two and a half years after Russia started its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, an end of the war is still not in sight. Listen to an analysis of the current military situation and discuss its implications for Ukraine’s reconstruction, EU and NATO accession and options for peace. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and sufficient water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
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14:00 - 16:30 Krieg in der Ukraine: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Szenarien für die Zukunft
Wie können wir eine ausgewogene und nachhaltige Ernährung unterstützen?
A balanced diet should provide all macro- and micronutrients a person needs to remain healthy. Food’s affordability and accessibility often stand as barriers. At the same time, we need to ensure that food is produced in a way that creates a more resilient future of our planet and its people. So how can the dietary needs over the human lifespan be addressed in a sustainable manner? 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Terrasse
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14:00 - 16:30 Wie können wir eine ausgewogene und nachhaltige Ernährung unterstützen?
Ein neues Gleichgewicht in Krisenzeiten: Handels- und Klimabeziehungen zwischen Europa und Afrika
English 150
The EU has made commitments to support Africa in its climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. At the same time, the EU’s climate diplomacy actions could contribute to a potential slowing down of African economic growth. How can the two continents shape a relationship that advances decarbonisation without creating trade barriers, that is, a relationship that is reciprocal and fit for the challenges of the 21st century? //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and sufficient water.  In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
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14:00 - 16:30 Ein neues Gleichgewicht in Krisenzeiten: Handels- und Klimabeziehungen zwischen Europa und Afrika

Mittwoch, 28. August

Wien New Deal – Perspektiven für eine klimagerechte Zukunft
English 180
The climate crisis affects us in many ways and leads to dystopian visions of the future. The Vienna New Deal aims to counteract this and show prospects for a socio-ecological transformation. To this end, strategies for change will be developed that focus on the common good and climate protection and blueprint for a climate-friendly future, in which all people can lead a good life within the planetary boundaries. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Terrasse
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09:00 - 12:00 Wien New Deal – Perspektiven für eine klimagerechte Zukunft
Uneinigkeit in Vielfalt: Welche Rolle kann die EU im Nahen Osten spielen?
English 180
Unlike in the case of the war in Ukraine, the EU has not been able to speak with one voice regarding the war in Gaza. Member states have been criticised for applying double standards regarding the two conflicts. How does this affect Europe’s credibility in the Middle East and beyond and what role can the EU play in fostering a sustainable peace? //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and sufficient water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school.
Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Uneinigkeit in Vielfalt: Welche Rolle kann die EU im Nahen Osten spielen?
Paradigmenwechsel: Die Macht Ihres persönlichen Klima-Handabdrucks
English 180
The escalating climate crisis demands urgent action from as many people as possible. However, when it comes to climate action, many people feel powerless, overwhelmed, and frustrated. Framings that individualise responsibility, along with finger-pointing and blame-games, lead to guilt, repression, and inactivity. We will explore how the term “carbon footprint” has contributed to provoking this situation and how each of us can contribute to positive change effectively by applying the climate handprint concept.//INFO: Bring hiking shoes and sufficient water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Paradigmenwechsel: Die Macht Ihres persönlichen Klima-Handabdrucks
Naturgewalten verstehen, Katastrophenschutz erleben
During this practical excursion, participants will gain an insight into the implementation of torrent and avalanche control disaster protection in Austria and neighbouring countries, visit protective structures and experience how to deal with natural disasters in crisis situations in a simulated briefing.//INFO: Takes place in all weathers, come in weatherproof clothing and footwear, regional catering, Attention: Start not at the CCA but at the secondary school!
Mittelschule , Mittelschule Vorplatz
14:00 - 16:30 Naturgewalten verstehen, Katastrophenschutz erleben
Das Paradox: Demografische Entwicklungen vs. Migrationsängste
English 150
Europe's population is ageing, labour markets are evolving and the demand for immigrant labour grows accordingly. Yet concerns and anxieties about migration persist. Join us as we navigate this paradox and examine how societies and governments can strike a balance between tackling demographic imperatives and addressing fears about immigration.//INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school.
Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
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14:00 - 16:30 Das Paradox: Demografische Entwicklungen vs. Migrationsängste
Halt an, schau hin, hör zu: Die Natur wahrnehmen
English 150
Conserving biodiversity and our ecosystem for the future requires respect for and a deeper understanding of the natural world – and it all starts with listening and looking intently. Learn to reconnect more deeply with your environment and your fellow beings by experimenting with sound and found material. Immerse yourself in the sensory environment of the local forest.  //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water.  
Schulhäusl , Schulhäusl
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14:00 - 16:30 Halt an, schau hin, hör zu: Die Natur wahrnehmen
Europas Scale-Up-Herausforderung: Wie kann man in Europa wachsen?
English 150
European innovation thrives at the start-up level, yet many promising ventures often stumble at the scale-up stage compared to their US and Scandinavian counterparts. Join an interactive discussion on the financing bottlenecks that European entrepreneurs face when trying to scale up their businesses and find ways to foster a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem that unlocks Europe’s investment potential. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
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14:00 - 16:30 Europas Scale-Up-Herausforderung: Wie kann man in Europa wachsen?

Donnerstag, 29. August

Externalisierung des EU-Migrationsmanagements: Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn?
English 150
In order to curb irregular migration, the EU has concluded several agreements with third countries such as Turkey, Tunisia and most recently Egypt. There are also discussions on transferring asylum seekers to purportedly safe third countries and processing their asylum applications there like the UK plans to do in Rwanda. Does this approach work and is it compatible with European values?  //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
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14:00 - 16:30 Externalisierung des EU-Migrationsmanagements: Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn?
Potenziale erschließen und Kohäsion stärken: Energiewende in EU-Beitrittsländern
English 150
Nine countries are currently in line for EU membership, and their EU integration process in terms of climate and energy goals is already underway. By looking at cases from the broader region, this session showcases the opportunities of jointly engaging in the energy transition. It will outline how the EU and candidate countries can together foster cohesion and enhance Europe’s energy security and resilience.//INFO: Bring hiking shoes and sufficient water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
14:00 - 16:30 Potenziale erschließen und Kohäsion stärken: Energiewende in EU-Beitrittsländern