Introducing the new FAN-Board

20220831 160515 efa22 Fanboard kl EFA Daniela Koeppl

15 Sep, 2022


The Forum Alpbach Network (FAN) was established many years ago out of a deep passion for Alpbach. In today's FANVoice, the newly elected FAN board members introduce themselves and tell about the FAN's past, present and future.

Ever since the EFA’s foundation in 1945, young inspiring people have been an integral part of the Alpbach community. In 1997, the young people at the EFA proclaimed a “Declaration of Love for the Intellectual Republic Alpbach” and asked for more. More courage, critical discussions, creativity, authenticity. This was the birth of our Network of volunteers. As of 2022, the Forum Alpbach Network counts over 30 Clubs/IGs Alpbach, many Ambassadors and spans across more than 20 countries. The FAN members fund scholarships, host events at the EFA and beyond & spread the Alpbach spirit globally. Our network stands for diversity, youth, original ideas, international friendships and cooperation – all revolving around a love for Alpbach.

The FAN Board

Every three years, the FAN elects the FAN Board (FAN B) to coordinate its activities and represent the young Alpbach community. During this year’s EFA, on 30 August 2022, a new FAN B was voted on.

  • Jenni Zeller, Chair (Austria)

After three years on the board of Club Alpbach Tyrol, I am now honoured to chair the new FAN B. In this role, I will coordinate the FAN B’s activities, take care of our external communications, facilitate the cooperation between the representatives of the FAN & EFA and stay in close touch with the Alpbach community.

  • Klaudie Mrkusová, Vice-Chair (Czech Republic)

Before attending the EFA, I first experienced Alpbach through its community and as a board member of Club Alpbach Belgium Brussels (CABB). After three years on the CABB board, my main tasks on the FAN B will be to push the representation of non-German and non-Balkan European countries, to shape the EFA’s Climate Track & to be the contact point for the FAN Committee.

  • Andreas Maierhofer (Austria)

After falling in love with Alpbach as a scholarship holder in 2019, I was the Treasurer and then President of Club Alpbach Salzburg. In my new role as a FAN B member, I will be responsible for the FAN budget, the support of established Clubs & the so-called Baseline Agreement between the EFA and FAN.

  • Dorotea Neuberg (Croatia)

To me, Alpbach has always been a place where I can truly be myself. Since 2018, I have attended the EFA in different roles – as scholarship holder, Seminar Assistant, board member of Club Alpbach Croatia. It fills me with joy to be able to contribute to the FAN community as a member of the FAN B by focusing on the Western Balkans, legal issues & the Alpbach Seminars.

  • Philipp Mendoza (Austria)

Encounters is what my EFA experience has stood for at its heart since 2017. After three board years at Club Alpbach Vorarlberg my focus now lies in facilitating inclusive spaces for encounters through FAN-Conferences, network capacity-building, and the creation of these spaces at the EFA itself.

  • Florian Boschek (Austria)

Coming to Alpbach at only 19 years old has made me who I am today: a young, critical, European thinker. I was on the board of IG Vienna for three years, two of which as its President. On the FAN Board, I will take care of the EFA Ambassadors all over the world, of bringing interdisciplinary arts & culture to the Forum and of increasing diversity at the EFA.

Our FAN Strategy

There is much to experience and do for in the Alpbach community. These are some of the priorities we have set for the Network:

  • Further support FAN members and facilitate their activities
  • More active participation of FAN members in the EFA programme
  • Strengthen our community with overarching events and projects
  • Foster inclusion and diversity at the EFA (e.g. Diversity Charter, inclusion strategy, more international participants)

As the new FAN B, we are working hard for this truly unique community to make its voices heard, spread the Alpbach spirit across the world & enable young people to realise their full potential.

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