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Stages on the Schedule 2022

Sonntag, 25. August

Donnerstag, 29. August

Klimadebatte: Staat vs. Markt – Eine gemeinsame Sprache finden
German 90
The climate debate has become increasingly polarised. While global science agrees on the huge challenge ahead, politics doesn’t seem to agree on a way forward, thus delaying urgently needed policy decisions. One of the key questions is: Can “the market” fix this? Or do we need strong state intervention to prevent an impending climate catastrophe? Join this completely new, inspiring, provoking debate and see for yourself whether the panelists can change the audience’s opinion. Yes, there are different value systems.Yes, there are different opinions and approaches.Let’s find common ground on a constructive way forward in climate matters for a climate neutral and economically thriving continent.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 Klimadebatte: Staat vs. Markt – Eine gemeinsame Sprache finden
100.000 Jahres-Rückblick: Lernen für die Zukunft
English 60
This deep dive conversation will explore what we can learn from our ancestors, in particular the Neanderthals, in relation to the current crises of the world. Gain insights on how we have come to define ourselves as humanity based on past evolutions, and on what superpowers we have inherited from our ancestors. What can we learn about the risks of extinction but also about our ancestors’ incredible feat of “conquering” the world?  //INFO: The session will begin with the short film High Hopes (Amir Mrzae, FR 2023, 2:45 min), offering an artistic perspective on the topic of discussion.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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17:00 - 18:00 100.000 Jahres-Rückblick: Lernen für die Zukunft