
Relax and share your insights of the day at special occasions and partner events. Get together over drinks and snacks and mingle with the crowd of new and old companions.

Socials on the Schedule 2023

Saturday, 24. August

Starting times
FANC Seminar Closing Party
The Seminar Days are over! We celebrate the closing of the first week at the European Forum Alpbach with a traditional Festhütten Party in Inneralpbach. Join us for an unforgettable night. //INFO: Please bring enough cash to pay for your food and drinks. No card payment.The EFA Code of Conduct must be respected.
Festhütte , Festhütte
22:00 - 02:30 FANC Seminar Closing Party
Be(e) Together – An Invitation from ERSTE Foundation
To round off the opening of the Europe in the World Days, ERSTE Foundation invites you to an evening of music, culinary and installation interventions in the heart of Alpbach. Opening a space for people to communicate, and to celebrate togetherness.We start the evening at the big table - the place where what belongs together comes together: a 15-metre-long table in the heart of Alpbach. Bread, butter, pickled vegetables from chefs and other heroes. And honey from all over Europe.    
Ort Alpbach , Dorfplatz
18:30 - 20:30 Be(e) Together – An Invitation from ERSTE Foundation
Be(e) Together in Concert – Alicia Edelweiß
In the Alpbach parish church, we dive deep into the world of sound and ambience. After an introductory concert played by Benny Omerzell on the church’s own organ, we give the stage to Alicia Edelweiß. The Viennese singer and songwriter gracefully crosses the genre borders between pop and folk and creates a poetical atmosphere. An evening to share what is important and to celebrate together! 
Ort Alpbach , Kirche
20:30 - 21:30 Be(e) Together in Concert – Alicia Edelweiß