Ombudsteam | Code of Conduct

20220830 112419 efa22 SEM Feeling Safe EFA Daniela Koeppl

1 Aug, 2023

Watch out for each other. Maintaining a respectful and safe community is everybody's responsibility. We are introducing the EFA23 Ombudsteam and our Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct is a reminder of what the European Forum Alpbach stands for. Each and every one of us is asked to preserve Alpbach as a peaceful place where all participants feel safe, welcome and included.

In case you feel the Code of Conduct/ Coc is not being respected or you aren’t sure where to take your concern, the EFA ensures the presence of an ombudsperson on site. Please refer to the contact details of this person on our website and on various posters placed throughout the event area in Alpbach.

You are encouraged to identify yourself to facilitate communication, but you may also choose to remain anonymous. The EFA will guarantee to protect your identity towards third parties.

Who is the Ombudsteam?

Sophie Rendl studied law and is an expert on violence prevention and anti-discrimination as well as co-founder of Frauendomäne - database for female experts. She is also a representative of vera* Confidential Office against Harassment and Violence in Art, Culture and Sport and a former member of FAN-B, the Forum Alpbach Network.

Nick Jacobs has been working professionally in the nightlife sector for the last 10 years and is, among other things, the founder of the Awareness Team in a Vienna night club. He is also a psychotherapist in training.


Need someone to talk? If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, please contact the Ombudsteam anytime:

  • E-mail:
  • Mobile, SMS, Signal: +43 664 523 0060