Media Moments of Truth
We are facing the “Moment of Truth”, not only at the European Forum Alpbach 2024, but also in our society as we know it. Current debates on the relationship between data, innovation and AI focus on the ethical, social and economic consequences that technologies impose on societies. How can the media use new tools to find, communicate and protect the “best obtainable version of the truth”? At the same time, these tools offer multiple opportunities for the media to create more efficient and relevant offerings for different audiences. With democracy under pressure, traditional legacy and public service media have a particularly important and responsible role to play. Being a critical media infrastructure, they must ensure that societies can continue to rely on a modicum of trustworthy and transparent information in order to function properly. Join the discussion on how public media can fulfil its role in a digital and AI-driven world.
Congress Centrum Alpbach
CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal