COVID-19 Prevention

Web efa blog kachel covid

19 Aug, 2022


Stay safe! At the European Forum Alpbach 2022 we care about your safety. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 please read our Q&As.

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Forum Alpbach (EFA) has drawn up a prevention concept aimed at ensuring that the risk of Covid-19 infection at the European Forum Alpbach 2022 is no higher than the risk of an everyday infection in Austria at the time of the event. We would like to inform you about the steps that will be taken in the context of the European Forum Alpbach in relation to Covid-19:

The EFA complies with all official regulations and locally applicable measures and relies on a high degree of personal responsibility on the part of all visitors to the EFA 2022.

Since 16 April 2022, masks have no longer been compulsory in the public area at cultural and other events. This also applies during the event. The FFP2 obligation therefore only applies in the health area. Wearing a FFP2 mask still offers the highest individual protection indoors. Enough FFP2 masks will therefore be available to visitors for free use.

All participants are urged to come to Alpbach tested.

We offer on-site testing facilities for self-testing - both are available at the information desk in the CCA:

PCR gargle tests via Tirol gurgelt | Land Tirol (site available in German & English) with registration on myNovatium (available as web app and mobile app in German & English); the PCR gargle test kits are also available at the cash desk of the local grocery store (SPAR) in Alpbach during opening hours (results available on the same day).

Antigen tests for rapid clarification (result < 15 min.)

Useful contacts in Alpbach

European Forum Alpbach :
As the organiser, we are here to help and support you. If you have any further questions, you can contact us during the event by e-mail at or by phone at +43 1 718 17 11-300.

Local general practitioner:
Dr. Bruno Bletzacher, Alpbach 744, 6236 Alpbach, Tel.: +43 5336 20044, surgery hours Mo, Tue, Thu, Fr 8 am-12 am, Wed 9 am-12 am; Mo/Fr 4 pm - 6 pm, Tue 1 pm - 3 pm, Wed 3 pm - 6 pm (Home - Bletzacher).

Official contact with the authorities:

Austrian Rescue Service: Tel.: 144

Tyrol Health Authority: Tel.: +43 512 508 9699, e-mail:

Questions and Answers

What are the current rules in Austria?

Official information and updates from the Austrian authorities can be found here (available in German only).

No more FFP2 mask obligation in public transport including stops (bus, plane, train) and customer areas of vital trade (food retail, pharmacy, bank, etc.), but only a recommendation to wear a FFP2 mask (exceptions: hospital, nursing home; city of Vienna).

No access restriction in the entire tourism and leisure industry, neither for guests nor for employees.

In addition to the federal framework conditions, the federal provinces can enact stricter rules, as they have done in the past. An overview of the rules applicable in Tyrol can be found here (available in German only).

How does the PCR gargle test work?

See instructions on Tirol gurgelt | Land Tirol (bilingual site)

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Registration

2. Open an account on myNovatium

3. Activate the account

4. Log in to "My Novatium"

5. Create user

  • Enter the address of the accommodation in Alpbachtal
  • If no national insurance number is available, the identity card or passport number can be entered

6. Pick up test kit (at the CCA at the Information Desk or during opening hours at the SPAR).

7. Carry out the test.

8. Drop-off the test

  • at the CCA every day until 6pm from 20 August until 1 September 2022.
  • at the SPAR during opening hours daily before 10 a.m.

9. Receive result by e-mail (within max. 24 hrs.; if you hand in the test at the CCA you will receive the result on the same day)

10. Request additional tests (enter "Visit European Forum Alpbach" under reason for additional request)

Questions and answers on the PCR gargle test under Tirol gurgelt | Land Tirol

Five free PCR gargle tests are available per month to persons residing in Tyrol. Certain groups of persons can request further gargle tests in the application according to the decree of the Ministry of Health (only available in German) (see point 9 of the step-by-step instructions).

How do I remain safe during the Forum?

  • Do a free PCR “gargle” test at the Congress Centrum Alpbach. More information on how to do the “gargle” PCR test can be found here.
  • Wear a FFP2 mask for best self-protection, especially indoors.
  • Prefer open, well-ventilated spaces over closed ones. Open a window if indoors.
  • Clean your hands frequently. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand cleanser.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
  • Stay home if you feel unwell.
  • Do not go to any EFA event if you have symptoms of respiratory illness; it is best to have them checked out by your local doctor.

What do I need to do when someone I met in person is tested positive?

Antigen or PCR tests are available free of charge for registered participants. We recommend that you take a test and wear an FFP2 mask

What is the Forum doing to ensure a safe experience for its participants?

The Forum relies on the high level of personal responsibility of every participant.

For registered participants, sufficient FFP2 masks are available for self-protection.

In addition, the Forum will provide antigen or PCR tests free of charge for registered participants. The results of these PCR tests will be available on the same day.

Drop-off points for the PCR test kits:

  • at the CCA near the main entrance until 6 pm daily from 22 August to 1 September 2022
  • at the SPAR during opening hours daily before 10 am.

What are the different gastronomy services in Alpbach doing to ensure a safe experience for its visitors?

Catering establishments in Austria are currently not subject to any special regulations regarding to Covid-19.

Information on current measures, info material, links, etc. can also be found on the website of the Professional Association of the Hotel Industry as well as on the joint website of the Ministry of Tourism.

However, the European Forum Alpbach is not liable for catering establishments in the nearer and wider surroundings of Alpbach.

What should I do if I do not feel well?

An overview of Covid-19 symptoms can be found here.

Stay at home, avoid public spaces!

If your symptoms do not improve, consult a doctor, or use one of the free tests offered by the EFA.

Do not attend any events of the European Forum Alpbach for the time being and wait for the test result.

If you wish to talk to someone from the European Forum Alpbach about Covid issues, please contact our hotline at +43 1 718 17 11-300.

What to do in case of a positive test result

From 1 August 2022, persons tested positive for the coronavirus will be immediately subject to a traffic restriction: (COVID-19 Traffic Restriction Ordinance (available in German only).

What does this mean in concrete terms for the EFA?

  • FFP2 mask obligation outside the own accommodation
  • Within the own accommodation, FFP2 masks are compulsory for every meeting with persons outside the household.
  • Entry bans from all EFA sessions and events
  • Entry bans from health and care facilities, kindergartens and schools
  • If you feel ill, stay at home. Telephone consultation with the doctor, Dr Bletzacher (+43 5336 20044).

Covid-19 remains a notifiable disease under the Epidemics Act. Therefore, health authorities are obliged to collect further information on the infection and the course of the disease. You can facilitate data collection by using the online form available.

No further measures are currently planned for contact persons. Please inform the health authority at the telephone number +43 512 508 9699 or at the e-mail address if there are increased positive cases in your environment. In case of outbreaks of infection, especially in community facilities or in the vicinity of risk groups, the authorities will continue to conduct surveys of contact persons.

If you are a speaker at the Forum, please inform your EFA-contact person about the positive test result and the traffic restriction.

What does “Verkehrsbeschränkung” mean?

It literally means “traffic restriction”

From 1 August 2022, persons who test positive for the coronavirus are immediately subject to a traffic restriction (available in German only).

The traffic restriction will last for ten days from the date of the positive test. It makes no difference whether it is a positive antigen test or a positive PCR test. In the case of a positive antigen test, however, health authorities must be informed immediately Online registration tool COVID-19 - Tyrol control centre or a follow-up test (PCR test) must be arranged independently within 48 hours at an authorised centre Tirol gurgelt | Land Tirol

The traffic restriction can be terminated prematurely from the 5th day onwards if a PCR test yields a negative result or a Ct value of 30 or higher. Registration for this free test is done automatically by the health authorities. The access data required for the testing (QR code or event number) will be sent to you in good time by SMS.

What does this mean?

  • FFP2 mask obligation outside your own accommodation
  • Within your own accommodation, FFP2 masks are compulsory for every meeting with persons from outside the household.
  • Bans on entering health and care facilities, kindergartens and schools.
  • If you feel ill, stay isolated at home. Telephone consultation with the doctor, Dr. Bletzacher (+43 5336 20044)

What should I do if I have pre-existing health problems and received a positive PCR test result?

If you have serious pre-existing health conditions, a positive PCR test result and symptoms, call the Austrian emergency rescue number (144) immediately.

If you have symptoms, stay in your accommodation and cure yourself. For clarification by telephone, you can consult the general practitioner, Dr. Bletzacher, during his opening hours.

What do I do if I have to stay in Alpbach longer than planned due to traffic restrictions?

If you are a scholarship holder, please contact We will work on an individual solution and extend your accommodation if necessary. The Forum will cover the additional accommodation costs.

If you are a regular participant and the Forum has paid for your accommodation, please contact We will work on an individual solution and extend your accommodation if necessary. The Forum will cover the additional accommodation costs.

If you are a regular participant and the EFA does NOT cover your accommodation costs, you will have to cover the extra accommodation costs independently.

If a journey home by private car is justifiable in terms of health, we recommend that you drive home and recuperate there, especially towards the end of the Forum, when further participation can be ruled out.

Can I continue to conduct PCR tests in the Congress Centrum Alpbach with a traffic restriction?

  • No. If you have tested positive you must not enter the Congress Centrum Alpbach or other premises where EFA events take place.
  • Please also do not carry out daily PCR tests for free. Free testing is possible at the earliest 5 days after the first detection of an infection.

If I test positive, can I go out, move around freely and meet other people?

  • If you are tested positiv, please follow the legal requirements. We reccommend staying in your accommodation and largely avoid public spaces.
  • Free testing is only possible after 5 days by means of a PCR test.

If I am traffic-restricted, can I go buy groceries from SPAR?

If you are traffic-restricted, we recommend staying in your accommodation and largely avoid public spaces. If there is no other way, you can fetch food exclusively with FFP2 mask.

What happens if I must leave the event due to respiratory symptoms?

  • You can take an antigen test in your accommodation for quick clarification.
  • If the test result is negative, you can be admitted to the event again.
  • Costs will not be refunded if you must be excluded from the event due to respiratory problems.

For Scholarship Holders

What do I do if I share my accommodation with a person who has tested Covid-19 positive?

Contact the Forum ( and we will find another suitable accommodation (max. 30 min. from Alpbach) together with the Forum Alpbach network to relocate you as soon as possible.

With the help of the network, all clubs are asked to accommodate the non-infected person, if necessary, until the Corona-positive person is symptom-free and negative.

If you continue sharing accommodation with the Covid-19 positive patient:

  • Do not stay in common spaces (e.g., kitchen) at the same time.
  • Always wear an FFP2 mask when in common spaces.
  • Regularly wash your hands.

What do I have to do when I decide to leave Alpbach earlier than initially planned?

Please inform the EFA Foundation at and your landlord in advance.

The EFA Foundation will cover any potential cancellation fees if your departure is because of traffic restrictions.

It will NOT harm future scholarship, seminar assistant and returner application if you decide to leave earlier.

Does the EFA scholarship expire if the person who tested positive cannot participate in EFA events for a longer period of time?

  • This must be checked in each individual case. Please contact the EFA Foundation at
  • If necessary, the person can participate in the Forum again the following year (applies to both EFA scholarship holders and Club scholarship holders) - depending on the time and the respective symptoms of the infection.

Can you send a replacement if the person goes home?

  • This must be checked on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the EFA Foundation at
  • Under no circumstances can this be decided by the respective person alone.

What should I do if I am under traffic restriction and cannot come to the CCA to collect disbursements under my scholarship?

  • The sums, if any, will be paid out at the CCA as soon as the traffic restriction ends. You will be notified of the dates by e-mail.
  • You may not enter the CCA under any circumstances while the traffic restriction is in place.
  • If the traffic restriction does not end before the end of the Forum, the payouts due to you will be transferred to your bank account.

If I do not have a kitchen in my accommodation and if I am under traffic restriction, how can I get food?

You can get food delivered directly to your accommodation:

Be sure to wear an FFP2 mask when taking food delivery.

Communication chain:

  • If you have received your scholarship from a club, please contact the Covid contact person for clubs: Tobias Neugebauer (covidprevention@alpbachorg). Subsequently, the EFA Covid officer will be contacted, who will inform the responsible authority if necessary.
  • EFA scholarship holder -> Bibimaya Larice -> Covid-19 representative EFA -> authority if necessary