Stay safe! At the European Forum Alpbach 2022 we care about your safety. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 please read our Q&As.
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Forum Alpbach (EFA) has drawn up a prevention concept aimed at ensuring that the risk of Covid-19 infection at the European Forum Alpbach 2022 is no higher than the risk of an everyday infection in Austria at the time of the event. We would like to inform you about the steps that will be taken in the context of the European Forum Alpbach in relation to Covid-19:
The EFA complies with all official regulations and locally applicable measures and relies on a high degree of personal responsibility on the part of all visitors to the EFA 2022.
Since 16 April 2022, masks have no longer been compulsory in the public area at cultural and other events. This also applies during the event. The FFP2 obligation therefore only applies in the health area. Wearing a FFP2 mask still offers the highest individual protection indoors. Enough FFP2 masks will therefore be available to visitors for free use.
All participants are urged to come to Alpbach tested.
We offer on-site testing facilities for self-testing - both are available at the information desk in the CCA:
PCR gargle tests via Tirol gurgelt | Land Tirol (site available in German & English) with registration on myNovatium (available as web app and mobile app in German & English); the PCR gargle test kits are also available at the cash desk of the local grocery store (SPAR) in Alpbach during opening hours (results available on the same day).
Antigen tests for rapid clarification (result < 15 min.)
Useful contacts in Alpbach
European Forum Alpbach :
As the organiser, we are here to help and support you. If you have any further questions, you can contact us during the event by e-mail at or by phone at +43 1 718 17 11-300.
Local general practitioner:
Dr. Bruno Bletzacher, Alpbach 744, 6236 Alpbach, Tel.: +43 5336 20044, surgery hours Mo, Tue, Thu, Fr 8 am-12 am, Wed 9 am-12 am; Mo/Fr 4 pm - 6 pm, Tue 1 pm - 3 pm, Wed 3 pm - 6 pm (Home - Bletzacher).
Official contact with the authorities:
Austrian Rescue Service: Tel.: 144
Tyrol Health Authority: Tel.: +43 512 508 9699, e-mail: