EFA24 Programme

These are some of the highlights of the EFA24. The programme and list of contributors will be updated continuously. We look forward to seeing you in Alpbach!

Speakers Selection


José Manuel Barroso

Former President of the European Commission


Werner Stengg

Cabinet Expert

European Commission


Sandrine Dixson-Declève


The Club of Rome


Michael Kofman

Senior Fellow

Carnegie Endowment


Anna Lührmann

Minister of State for Europe and Climate

Federal Republic of Germany


Norbert Totschnig

Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management

Republic of Austria


Maria Demertzis

Professor EUI, Senior Fellow Bruegel

EUI, Bruegel


Enrico Letta

Former Prime Minister of Italy


Joseph E. Stiglitz

Economist, Public Policy Analyst and Professor

Columbia University


Pope Francis

Head of the Catholic Church

(via Livestream)


Arancha González Laya

Dean Paris School of International Affairs

Sciences Po


Kirsten Dunlop


EIT Climate-KIC


Rafael Grossi

Director General

International Atomic Energy Agency


Jozef Sikela

Minister of Industry and Trade

Czech Republic


Luisa Neubauer

Climate Activist & Author

Fridays for Future


Helle Thorning-Schmidt

Former Prime Minister

Kingdom of Denmark


Alma Zadić

Federal Minister of Justice

Republic of Austria


Joschka Fischer

Former Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs

Federal Republic of Germany


Anton Zeilinger

Professor Emeritus/ Senior Scientist

University of Vienna/ IQOQI Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)


Sylvie Goulard

Professor of Practice in Global Affairs and Geopolitics

SDA Bocconi School of Management


Mario Nava

Director General DG EMPL

European Commission


Carl Bildt


European Council on Foreign Relations


Werner Kogler

Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport

Republic of Austria


Beate Meinl-Reisinger

Party Leader

NEOS - Das Neue Österreich und Liberale Forum


Cristina Gherasimov

Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration

Republic of Moldova


Jakov Milatović


Republic of Montenegro


Nipun Mehta




Othmar Karas

First Vice-President

European Parliament


Martin Hetzer


ISTA - Institute of Science and Technology

Programme 2024

Europe in the World Days

Sunday, 25. August

Starting times
Is Economic Inequality Inevitable?
English 90
Since the 1980s, wealth and income inequality has started to rise again in many countries. While some, such as the US, have seen a significant increase in inequality, others, such as Sweden, have maintained relatively stable levels. Explore the reasons for these divergent trends: What are the roots of inequality and which policies can make a real difference?
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 Is Economic Inequality Inevitable?
Winds of Radical Change in European Politics?
English 180
European politics is witnessing unprecedented shifts, challenging established structures and giving rise to new movements. This two-part debate will initially investigate whether a radical change in the European political landscape has in fact occurred, dissecting election results and the driving forces behind them. We will then discuss the broader implications, whether there will be a radical change in the trajectory of Europe and Europe's role in the world.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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09:00 - 12:00 Winds of Radical Change in European Politics?
Let's Talk to Each Other: Impulses in a Speechless World
English 180
In a world of rapid change, fragmentation and polarisation mark society and politics. Although contemporary challenges require close international cooperation, the willingness and ability to engage in dialogue are dwindling. Democracy is under pressure, alternatives are appearing and Europe has to explain itself. How can defence policy support a stable space for discussions? 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Terrasse
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09:00 - 12:00 Let's Talk to Each Other: Impulses in a Speechless World
Risky Business: Europe's Economic (In-)Security
English 180
The pandemic and the war in Ukraine have shown Europe’s dependencies in critical areas. Since then, there has been a lot of talk about “de-risking”: mitigating risks and limiting strategic dependencies. However, it’s still not clear what this would mean for Europe. How much de-risking is necessary to safeguard Europe’s economic security and when does de-risking itself become a risk to the economy?  //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Risky Business: Europe's Economic (In-)Security
The Geopolitics of Enlargement: A Way to Safeguard the European Space
English 90
The EU Enlargement is increasingly seen as an effective foreign policy tool to diminish the influence of external powers in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans. Reframing European integration as a strategy to provide security for the neighbourhoods, as well as make EU Member States safer, will certainly strengthen the EU’s standing as a geopolitical actor - for example through a sustainable peace settlement for Ukraine and sound security arrangements for Moldova.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
09:00 - 10:30 The Geopolitics of Enlargement: A Way to Safeguard the European Space
No Nature, No Business
English 180
All human economic activities rely on natural resources and ecosystems. Yet, the state of nature and biodiversity is critical all around the globe. Hear different concepts and strategies about how businesses can integrate nature and biodiversity goals into corporate strategies. It is explored how to achieve long-term prosperity and economic resilience, by becoming not only climate-neutral but climate-positive. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and sufficient water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 No Nature, No Business
The Elephant in the Room: Goodbye, Cognitive Dissonance
It is an intellectual contradiction, an unbearable gap between personal aspirations and reality: Cognitive dissonance confronts us with the discrepancy between what we know and how we behave as we face major crises. The transformative potential of artistic and psychological approaches will help you find new ways to move beyond feelings of powerlessness and discomfort, and allow for utopian thinking.   
Schulhäusl , Schulhäusl
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09:00 - 12:00 The Elephant in the Room: Goodbye, Cognitive Dissonance
Harnessing AI in the Service of Democracy
English 150
 As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, there is growing interest in leveraging its capabilities to enhance democratic processes and governance. We aim to nurture a nuanced understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with harnessing AI in the service of democracy and of its potential for improving democratic engagement. Join the dialogue on best practices, ethical considerations and policy implications. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
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14:00 - 16:30 Harnessing AI in the Service of Democracy
Making Pension Systems Fit for the Future
English 150
Global demographic changes, such as declining birth rates and increasing life expectancy, are challenging the sustainability of many European pension systems. Explore how successful pension models can provide valuable lessons. It is critical to act now and implement policies that ensure a secure future for all, preventing old-age poverty for future generations. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
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14:00 - 16:30 Making Pension Systems Fit for the Future
Engaging the Private Sector for the Social Good
English 90
Businesses are pivotal to Europe’s social contract, driving growth and innovation while impacting societal well-being. Despite public mistrust of their profit-led motives, their capacity for rapid, scalable innovation is undeniable. Explore how governments and the EU can harness this potential for the social good, rethinking interactions between the private sector, public institutions, and citizens to forge a new relationship.
Ort Alpbach , Feuerwehrhaus
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14:00 - 15:30 Engaging the Private Sector for the Social Good
The Future of Multilateralism
English 90
The world is far from achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: Extreme poverty and hunger are increasing, violent conflicts are multiplying and global emissions are at their highest levels ever. In September, the UN will convene a “Summit of the Future” to reinvigorate multilateralism. How should the system be adapted to better meet current challenges? Hear perspectives from different countries, and share your ideas for the future of multilateralism.  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 The Future of Multilateralism
New African-European Ambition: Ways Forward in Energy, Climate and Tech
Africa and Europe have the unique opportunity to work together in the context of emerging tools and technologies and to co-create climate and energy policy solutions. Those have to be just and effective for both sides on the path towards climate neutrality. Leading policy makers, activists and experts discuss the ambitions, potentials and hurdles the African-European partnership is facing. 
Hotel Post , Hotel Post - Seminarraum
14:00 - 15:30 New African-European Ambition: Ways Forward in Energy, Climate and Tech
The End of the World as We Know It: Big Oil’s Final Countdown
English 90
If the global community is to be true to its commitments, carbon emissions need to be reduced by at least 45 % globally and by at least 55 % EU-wide by 2030. Fossil fuel use and production need to be scaled down, yet the industry remains heavily subsidised. It is time to explore the most effective ways of bringing movement into the stuck system of ‘big oil’ power. What can (shareholder) activism, (financial) regulation, investment stewardship, or other actors achieve?  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 The End of the World as We Know It: Big Oil’s Final Countdown
“Hip Hope” – Reimagining the Future in the Balkans
The Western Balkans continues to find itself mired in a stagnant status quo, trapped in traditional diplomatic discourse, without ideas to forge a path forward. This deadlock necessitates a fresh infusion of perspectives, essential for breaking through the barriers that obstruct regional advancement. These perspectives exist and must be brought to light; they need to free the Balkans from the despair and inertia that have held it captive for far too long. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 “Hip Hope” – Reimagining the Future in the Balkans
A Better World Is Possible: Past, Present and Future of Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights defines a common basis for the rights of all people and nations. Rapid technological advancements as well as increased calls to give non-human entities such as rivers legal rights could potentially change the conversation about who deserves which rights. This session will explore how our concept of human rights might evolve over the next few years. 
Schulhäusl , Schulhäusl
14:00 - 15:30 A Better World Is Possible: Past, Present and Future of Human Rights
Finding Common Ground in a Polarised World
English 60
Against the backdrop of growing polarisation, the complexity of national identities, diverse cultures and opposing ideologies, ways must be found for meaningful dialogue and common ground. How can we bridge divides in politics and society? Can shared values or goals serve as a foundation? 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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17:00 - 18:00 Finding Common Ground in a Polarised World
Financing the Green Transition: Who Is Going to Pay the Bill?
English 60
The transition that lies ahead is unprecedented. Achieving a climate-neutral economy requires political commitment as well as substantial investment and rapid action. It is vital to ensure a just and equitable transition for all stakeholders, leaving no one behind. Explore how to unlock the necessary investment, both from the EU and national public sectors, and from the private sector. //INFO: The session will begin with the short film Afterlives (Michael Heindl, AT 2022, 3:27 min), offering an artistic perspective on the topic of discussion.  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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17:00 - 18:00 Financing the Green Transition: Who Is Going to Pay the Bill?
Into the Silence: Evening Ritual
A place of calm: Spiritual impulses from various religious and philosophical backgrounds invite you to contemplate and reflect. Inspiring initiators tell their stories, take you on a journey of the mind and initiate moments of genuine stillness.  
Ort Alpbach , Kirche
18:30 - 19:00 Into the Silence: Evening Ritual
Talent Forum
Get inspired for your future career or maybe secure your next job at an exciting company. Talent Forum offers all attendees holders the opportunity to get in touch and network with leading companies from Austria and Europe in an uncomplicated way. Take advantage of this unique opportunity and find your new professional challenge.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
18:30 - 20:00 Talent Forum
Pitch: To Grow or Not to Grow: The Path Towards a Climate-Positive Economy
English 60
The negative social, emotional and environmental consequences of our current model of economic growth are becoming ever more evident. Planetary resources are finite and emissions from production and consumption steadily increase. What model works best to achieve economic, social and planetary wellbeing? Hear three visions and challenge the speakers with your questions.  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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18:30 - 19:30 Pitch: To Grow or Not to Grow: The Path Towards a Climate-Positive Economy
DIVES / Tonica Hunter
Dancing in the parking garage - join us for an unforgettable evening with a concert and DJ set: The Viennese band DIVES met at a music camp for women, inter and trans people in 2015. They have since perfected their brand of stirring multivocal indiepop with DYI vibes, characterised by lyrics about everyday sexism and self care, friendship and summer nights. As a DJ Tonica Hunter has founded collectives and events and DJ'd at many festivals and cultural spaces. Hunter describes their sound as a merger of their Jamaican roots, their London upbringing and their ties to Africa as a member of the Diaspora - as well as the navigation of those identities.How to get there.DOORS: 19:30 DIVES: 20:00TONICA HUNTER: 21:00  
Spar Markt , Spar Tiefgarage
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19:30 - 23:00 DIVES / Tonica Hunter
The 18th Annual Speakers Night at the European Forum Alpbach
Speakers Night is the popular public speaking contest; a platform for scholarship holders to showcase their oratorical skills on the big stage. The format offers a select group of bright young minds the ideal opportunity to share their ideas and perspectives on a pre-determined topic with a larger audience, all while receiving valuable feedback from a distinguished panel. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
20:15 - 22:00 The 18th Annual Speakers Night at the European Forum Alpbach

Monday, 26. August

Starting times
Early morning
Sunrise Hike: Gratlspitz
Rise and shine: Enjoy the first rays of sunshine on the top of Alpbach. Experience this special atmosphere and start your day energised!//INFO: The hike is not recommended for beginners! Attention: 900 metres in ascent! Please wear hiking boots, bring water and possibly a small snack. If you have a head torch, please bring it with you. Participation at your own risk!  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
04:00 - 09:00 Sunrise Hike: Gratlspitz
Morning Sports: Functional Fitness
Start the day with a boost of energy! The trainers of the Austrian Armed Forces will get you sweating with military functional fitness on the forecourt of the CCA - an ideal way to recover from stress and prevent burnout or illness. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
07:00 - 08:00 Morning Sports: Functional Fitness
Into the Silence: Morning Ritual
A place of calm: Spiritual impulses from various religious and philosophical backgrounds invite you to contemplate and reflect. Inspiring initiators tell their stories, take you on a journey of the mind and initiate moments of genuine stillness. 
Ort Alpbach , Kirche
08:00 - 08:30 Into the Silence: Morning Ritual
Morning Briefing
English 50
Start your Alpbach day well-informed: our Morning Briefings give you a daily overview of EFA24’s most important news and insights. Listen to exciting interviews and meet with inspirational speakers and panelists!
Schulhäusl , Schulhäusl
08:00 - 08:50 Morning Briefing
EU Enlargement: A New Chapter or Old Wine in New Bottles?
English 90
The war in Ukraine has brought a new sense of urgency to the EU enlargement process. The European Council opened accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. Now comes the hard part, as the candidate countries in the Western Balkans know only too well. We will discuss what Ukraine and Moldova can learn from their experiences and what impact the new momentum driven by Ukraine has on the enlargement process in the Western Balkans and in general.  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 EU Enlargement: A New Chapter or Old Wine in New Bottles?
Rethinking Work in the Age of AI & Automation
English 180
Digital technologies have fundamentally changed the way businesses operate and people interact. While many jobs will be lost along the way, many more will be created and almost all will be transformed. What will the future of work look like? Discuss how policy makers, companies and societies can ensure that workers acquire the skills needed to succeed in an ever-changing labour market. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Rethinking Work in the Age of AI & Automation
Youth as Catalysts for Change
English 180
Young people are increasingly powerful agents of change, driving innovative solutions and advocating for progressive policies on a global scale. We aim to illuminate the pivotal role of youth in shaping policies worldwide, exploring their diverse contributions – such as involving first-time voters or training other young change-makers – and charting pathways for meaningful youth engagement in decision-making processes.//INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Youth as Catalysts for Change
Resilience Against a Backlash: Maintaining Momentum for Climate Action
English 180
There will either be a just transition or no transition at all – This is a statement that is often heard. Particularly in times of (anticipated) backsliding on climate action, it is crucial that a) the transition is designed by taking everyone’s needs and interests into account, and b) polarising voices do not dominate the discourse. In this workshop you will explore arguments and policies that really work in addressing the trilemma of social justice, democratic participation and climate action holistically and that support society in unearthing aspiration from grievances. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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09:00 - 12:00 Resilience Against a Backlash: Maintaining Momentum for Climate Action
Energy Beyond Borders: Industry Partnerships for a Sustainable Future
Envision a future where sustainable energy powers Europe’s industry. Explore how partnerships between industry, green energy producers, and public stakeholders are tackling climate challenges and enhance economies along with innovations such as cross-border Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). Join us to shape Europe’s energy future and drive collective action towards a greener future. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Terrasse
09:00 - 12:00 Energy Beyond Borders: Industry Partnerships for a Sustainable Future
Let's Call a Spade a Spade: What the EU Needs to Do to Get Things Right.
Which role does Europe play globally? What does the continent's future potential consist of? Do the EU's values (still) have a role in the age of BigTech and AI? How do we address the megatrends that shape our times: demographics, climate change, inequality, and globalization? This panel offers diverse range of views, but with one common denominator: the belief that Europe's best days are yet to come!
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 Let's Call a Spade a Spade: What the EU Needs to Do to Get Things Right.
Instigated Contact
New, unusual encounters are made possible through surprising methods and dynamic interactions in changing locations. You’ll dare to ask questions, give compliments and cause conditions to dance. The open exchange with each other, which is used as a key tool for practising democracy, encourages sustainable connections.  
Schulhäusl , Schulhäusl
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09:00 - 12:00 Instigated Contact
Track Forum: Climate
English 90
Come and meet fellow participants who share an interest for the same track topic. Get to know each other over lunch and debate the current programme highlights and main controversies so far.12:15-12:45    Check-in & ordering of food12:45-13:15    Input by KONTEXT – Institute for Climate Matters on the content highlights and controversies of the EFA24 programme13:15-13:45    Exchange among participants//INFO: Lunch and drinks are at your own expense. Please be on time at 12:15 so you have enough time to order comfortably. Three dishes will be on offer. 
Postalm , Postalm Terrasse
12:15 - 13:45 Track Forum: Climate
Track Forum: Finance & Economy
English 90
Come and meet fellow participants who share an interest for the same track topic. Get to know each other over lunch and debate the current programme highlights and main controversies so far.12:15-12:45    Check-in & ordering of food12:45-13:15    Input by moderators on the content highlights and controversies of the EFA24 programme13:15-13:45    Exchange among participants//INFO: Lunch and drinks are at your own expense. Please be on time at 12:15 so you have enough time to order comfortably. Three dishes will be on offer. 
Postalm , Postalm
12:15 - 13:45 Track Forum: Finance & Economy
Track Forum: Security
English 90
Come and meet fellow participants who share an interest for the same track topic. Get to know each other over lunch and debate the current programme highlights and main controversies so far.12:15-12:45    Check-in & ordering of food12:45-13:15    Input by moderators on the content highlights and controversies of the EFA24 programme13:15-13:45    Exchange among participants//INFO: Lunch and drinks are at your own expense. Please be on time at 12:15 so you have enough time to order comfortably. Three dishes will be on offer. 
Gasthof Berghof , Gasthof Berghof
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12:15 - 13:45 Track Forum: Security
Track Forum: Democracy
English 90
Come and meet fellow participants who share an interest for the same track topic. Get to know each other over lunch and debate the current programme highlights and main controversies so far. 12:15-12:45    Check-in & ordering of food12:45-13:15    Input by moderators on the content highlights and controversies of the EFA24 programme13:15-13:45    Exchange among participants //INFO: Lunch and drinks are at your own expense. Please be on time at 12:15 so you have enough time to order comfortably. Three dishes will be on offer. 
Hotel Post , Hotel Post - Stüberl
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12:15 - 13:45 Track Forum: Democracy
Alpbach IDEAS Infopoint
English 60
Welcome to the Alpbach IDEAS Infopoint, a dedicated space during the lunch break, where potential participants of the Alpbach IDEAS programme can gather information and engage in conversations on ideas for a more democratic and sustainable Europe. This daily event offers the opportunity to learn more about the Alpbach IDEAS programme and process, and exchange ideas with experts on specific topics.   
Volksschule , Volksschule Erdgeschoß Turnsaal
12:30 - 13:30 Alpbach IDEAS Infopoint
Brown Bag Lunch - Media Partner
English 60
Join and discuss with us current and most important topics. //Info: In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place in the CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger-Saal. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Loggia
12:30 - 13:30 Brown Bag Lunch - Media Partner
Campaign for the Future
English 150
Have you heard the good news? It’s a historic election year: the ideal time for a playful reflection on the utopian potential of elections and democracy itself. Take part in two utopian election campaigns and work with the campaign teams as they prepare for a collective performative election rally.
Schulhäusl , Schulhäusl
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14:00 - 16:30 Campaign for the Future
Supporting a Balanced and Sustainable Diet
A balanced diet should provide all macro- and micronutrients a person needs to remain healthy. Food’s affordability and accessibility often stand as barriers. At the same time, we need to ensure that food is produced in a way that creates a more resilient future of our planet and its people. So how can the dietary needs over the human lifespan be addressed in a sustainable manner? 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Terrasse
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14:00 - 16:30 Supporting a Balanced and Sustainable Diet
State-Sponsored Disinformation and the Dangers to Electoral Integrity
English 90
In this historic election year, we are confronted with the multifaceted challenges posed by state-sponsored disinformation more than ever before. This includes voter manipulation and defamation campaigns. Explore the learnings we can draw from these attacks on electoral integrity and identify strategies to best protect the democratic electoral process of the future. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 State-Sponsored Disinformation and the Dangers to Electoral Integrity
US vs. EU Green Tech Race: How to Work Together?
English 90
The US and the EU are both pushing their green industries, but they are taking different approaches. The recent US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) sent a clear message that green technology is a profitable industry. This has raised concerns in Europe that companies will choose to invest in the US rather than in Europe. What can Europe learn from the US to unlock private investment in clean technologies and which opportunities for cooperation exist? 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 US vs. EU Green Tech Race: How to Work Together?
Imagining Green, Sustainable and Regenerative Cities
The session will visualise greener urban landscapes, focusing on transforming urban spaces globally to ensure a sustainable and livable future. The discussion delves into the practical realisation of these concepts, aiming to create environmentally sustainable urban environments that are well-prepared for the challenges of tomorrow. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 Imagining Green, Sustainable and Regenerative Cities
Finding a New Balance in Times of Crises: Trade and Climate Relations between Europe and Africa
English 150
The EU has made commitments to support Africa in its climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. At the same time, the EU’s climate diplomacy actions could contribute to a potential slowing down of African economic growth. How can the two continents shape a relationship that advances decarbonisation without creating trade barriers, that is, a relationship that is reciprocal and fit for the challenges of the 21st century? //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and sufficient water.  In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
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14:00 - 16:30 Finding a New Balance in Times of Crises: Trade and Climate Relations between Europe and Africa
The Geopolitics of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
Central Banks around the globe are developing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). This could challenge the current dollar-based system. A single CBDC may have an enormous standard-setting effect. If the digital euro becomes the standard-setter on its promise of privacy, Europe could regain ownership of its financial infrastructure, increase competitiveness and change geopolitical positions.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
14:00 - 15:30 The Geopolitics of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
Unpacking the Role of Packaging & Circularity Towards a Climate Neutral Europe
Consumers encounter packaging every day. Packaging plays a major role in preserving the valuable content inside but also for the ecological perception by consumers. A transformation towards more circularity and less environmental impact is necessary. The discussion will explore how packaging design has already changed and will have to change over the next half decade to achieve greenhouse gas reduction goals, especially in the context of policy regulation. 
Hotel Böglerhof , Böglerhof - Fichtensaal
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14:00 - 15:30 Unpacking the Role of Packaging & Circularity Towards a Climate Neutral Europe
War in Ukraine: Recent Developments and Scenarios for the Future
English 150
Two and a half years after Russia started its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, an end of the war is still not in sight. Listen to an analysis of the current military situation and discuss its implications for Ukraine’s reconstruction, EU and NATO accession and options for peace. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and sufficient water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
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14:00 - 16:30 War in Ukraine: Recent Developments and Scenarios for the Future
Sparking Connections: the Alpbach Spirit
Want to meet other participants? Don’t be afraid to get involved! This networking format is for those who want to make new friends. Regardless of whether you are attending the EFA for the first time or have been a participant for years: Our hosts will skilfully break the ice and ensure that connections spark. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Europa Foyer
16:00 - 17:00 Sparking Connections: the Alpbach Spirit
Better Safe Than Sorry: Time to Get Serious about European Strategic Sovereignty
English 60
Former US President Trump’s statements about NATO shocked European allies and raised doubts about the continued reliability of the US as Europe’s security guarantor. Will Europe be able to defend and promote its way of life without the US? What does it take to achieve more sovereignty in terms of security and defence? //INFO: The session will begin with the short film Power (Dana Sink, US 2017, 2:23 min), offering an artistic perspective on the topic of discussion.  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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17:00 - 18:00 Better Safe Than Sorry: Time to Get Serious about European Strategic Sovereignty
Joining Forces for 1.5 Degrees
English 60
The more the global community delays its climate actions, the more drastic they will have to be. At the same time, disasters and looming crises unite individuals and organisations to achieve the previously unthinkable. What are moonshot moments of transformation that will bring global climate goals on track in the imminent future? How can we redesign our social and economic systems to prioritise sustainability, regeneration, and resilience in face of the risk of missing the 1.5-degree target?  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
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17:00 - 18:00 Joining Forces for 1.5 Degrees

Tuesday, 27. August

Starting times
Closing: Europe in the World Days
English 60
To close out the Europe in the World Days, an in-depth ex-post analysis of the previous European Commission cycle and an ex-ante analysis for the upcoming one are completed while looking for a broad vision for the future of the EU.  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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09:00 - 10:00 Closing: Europe in the World Days
(Re-)Creating Affordable Housing in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
While affordable housing models thrive in Austria, they have almost ceased to exist in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), where the vast majority of the population lives in their own dwelling. Following a recent surge in real estate prices, flats in the region’s major cities have become the most expensive in the European Union, posing a real challenge, especially for the younger generation. We’ll delve into the strategies to leverage Austria’s experience in creating new ways towards affordable housing in CEE. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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10:00 - 11:30 (Re-)Creating Affordable Housing in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
Alpbach Talks
Talking brings people together. The pursuit of a “moment of truth” demands lively discussions, contrasting views, and an exchange of ideas. Bold perspectives are encouraged! By answering five questions, you are matched with a thought-provoking discussion partner and engage in a spirited one-to-one discussion aimed at providing both participants with new insights. Who knows, maybe you’ll even discover that you and your discussion partner have more in common than you’d initially thought? At the very least, you’ll leave with new perspectives. // Please arrive on time to avoid missing the “matching” of participants, as this only occurs once.  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
10:30 - 12:00 Alpbach Talks
EFA Connects: Lunch Tables
If you don’t feel like having lunch by yourself or if you are interested in meeting fellow EFA participants, why not join one of the EFA Connects lunch tables! Strike up a conversation and make new contacts. The tables are not hosted, so you are on your own. How about a question about the best Kaiserschmarren in Alpbach or recommendations for the afternoon programme? EFA Connects lunch tables are located in the Erste Lounge in the CCA café and in the restaurants Jakober and Berghof, and are marked by little EFA flags.  
12:00 - 14:00 EFA Connects: Lunch Tables
EFA Food Market hosted by Popchop
Regional farmers and producers meet urban foodies. Enjoy your lunch break over a variety of culinary delights and get inspired by the topic of sustainable nutrition. After taking some refreshment, let’s head to the opening of the Austria in Europe Days. Bon Appétit! 
Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
12:00 - 14:30 EFA Food Market hosted by Popchop
Brown Bag Lunch - Media Partner
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Join and discuss with us current and most important topics.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
12:30 - 13:30 Brown Bag Lunch - Media Partner
Alpbach IDEAS Infopoint
English 60
Welcome to the Alpbach IDEAS Infopoint, a dedicated space during the lunch break, where potential participants of the Alpbach IDEAS programme can gather information and engage in conversations on ideas for a more democratic and sustainable Europe. This daily event offers the opportunity to learn more about the Alpbach IDEAS programme and process, and exchange ideas with experts on specific topics.   
Volksschule , Volksschule Erdgeschoß Turnsaal
12:30 - 13:30 Alpbach IDEAS Infopoint

The EFA24 schedule: